Our Alabama Power Facilities Tier 2 Matchmaker is an opportunity for us to showcase our local, small, and diverse suppliers who are performing work in our communities and allow them the opportunity to meet the prime suppliers who will be bidding on the Mobile Crew Headquarters RFP. Our measure of success is to create and deliver opportunities to enhance the diverse suppliers' utilization on our system. Southern Company will increase our MBE spend to 20% and total Diverse spend to 30% by 2025 and is committed to developing and doing business with more Black-owned businesses in our industry and communities.
This session will allow us to better position our diverse suppliers' capacities for growth in facilities across Alabama Power Company and with prime companies for long-term engagement. Our diverse suppliers will have the opportunity to meet with each prime company that will be bidding on the Mobile facilities building project in early 2023.
- Alabama Power Facilities Team
- Alabama Power Mobile Division Team
- Supply Chain
- Prime Suppliers
- Diverse Suppliers in Mobile and surrounding communities
- Supplier Inclusion and Sustainability
The meeting will be held from 7:30 - 11:30 AM on January 4, 2023 at The Renaissance Riverview in Mobile, AL.
Please respond by clicking the “REGISTER” button below. The cutoff date is Tuesday, January 3, 2023
Dress for the meeting is business casual.